Bali Province Gender Inequality Index (IKG) 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Bali Province Gender Inequality Index (IKG) 2023

Release Date : May 6, 2024
File Size : 4.36 MB


Bali Province's IKG in 2023 decreased by 0.082 points to 0.239 compared to 2022 which was recorded at 0.321.

The decline in the Bali Province Gender Inequality Index (IKG) is influenced by increasing performance in the reproductive health dimension, empowerment dimension and the increasingly equal labor market between male and female populations.

The IKG value ranges from 0-1, the smaller the IKG indicates the lower inequality (higher equality).

Improvements in performance in the reproductive health dimension are influenced by improvements in indicators for women aged 15-49 years who in the last 2 years gave birth to their last live child not in a health facility. In 2023, this proportion will decrease to 10 women from previously 27 women per 1,000 women aged 15-49 years who in the last 2 years gave birth to a live child.

Improvements in the empowerment dimension are influenced by improvements in the indicator of the percentage of women's representation in the legislature, which will increase to 18.18 percent in 2023.

Opportunities to participate in the labor market in 2023 show a more equal situation between men and women compared to 2022.

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