Development of Singaraja City Consumer Price Index/Inflation August 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Development of Singaraja City Consumer Price Index/Inflation August 2021

Release Date : September 2, 2021
File Size : 1.34 MB


In August 2021, Singaraja City was recorded to experience deflation as deep as 0.07 percent with a Consumer Price Index (base year 2018 = 100) of 107.18. The inflation rate for the calendar year August 2021 is as high as 0.92 percent. Meanwhile, the year-on-year inflation rate (August 2021 versus August 2020 or YoY) was recorded as high as 2.45 percent.

Two expenditure groups experienced deflation (m to m), namely group I (food, beverages, and tobacco) of 1.20 percent and group V (health) of 0.01 percent. Meanwhile, five other expenditure groups recorded inflation, namely group IV (equipment, equipment, and routine household maintenance) as high as 3.96 percent; group IX (education) as high as 1.02 percent; group VII (information, communication, and financial services) as high as 0.32 percent; group XI (personal care and other services) as high as 0.18 percent; and group II (clothing and footwear) as high as 0.06 percent. The other four expenditure groups recorded no change in the index or were stagnant, namely; group III (housing, water, electricity, and household fuel); group VI (transport); group VIII (recreation, sports, and culture); and group X (providing food and drinks/restaurants).

Commodities recorded as contributing to deflation in August 2021 include cayenne pepper, broiler chicken, eggplant, wafers, skipjack/scaled fish, long beans, red chilies, squid, anchovies, chickpeas, tuna, liver rampella. chicken, banana, turmeric, salt, red beans/joglo, instant dry noodles, lamuru fish, cucumber, kite fish/benggol fish, potatoes, powdered milk, tea, and young jackfruit.

Of the 90 CPI cities, 56 cities experienced deflation and 34 cities experienced inflation. The deepest deflation was recorded in Sorong (West Papua) as deep as 1.04 percent while the shallowest deflation was recorded in three cities, namely Meulaboh (Aceh), Sukabumi (West Java) and Timika (Papua) each at 0.03 percent. Meanwhile, the highest inflation was recorded in Kendari (Southeast Sulawesi) as high as 0.62 percent while the lowest inflation was recorded in Tanjung (South Kalimantan) as high as 0.01 percent. If sorted from deepest deflation, Singaraja ranks 47th out of 56 cities experiencing inflation.

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