Profile of Poverty in Bali September 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Profile of Poverty in Bali September 2018

Profile of Poverty in Bali September 2018Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 16, 2019
File Size : 0.59 MB


In September 2018, the number of poor people (population with per capita expenditure per month below the Poverty Line) in Bali was recorded at around 168.34 thousand people (3.91 percent), a decrease of 3.42 thousand people compared to the poor population in March 2018 which is in the range of 171.76 thousand people (4.01 percent).

During the period March 2018 - September 2018, the percentage of poor people in urban areas has increased from 3.32 percent in March 2018 to 3.36 percent in September 2018. Meanwhile, the percentage of poor people in rural areas has decreased from 5.38 percent in March 2018 to 5.08 percent in September 2018.

The role of food commodities on the poverty line is greater than the role of non-food commodities. As of September 2018, the role of food and non-food commodities on the Poverty Line was recorded at 69.06 percent and 30.94 percent respectively.

The Poverty Depth Index in September 2018 was recorded to have decreased by 0.168 points, from 0.685 in March 2018 to 0.517 in September 2018. Similarly, the Poverty Severity Index was recorded to have decreased by 0.063 points from 0.178 in March 2018 to 0.115 in September 2018.

Income inequality in Bali in March 2018 was recorded at 0.377 and fell to 0.364 in September 2018, measured by the Gini ratio.

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