November 2017, domestic airplane departure fell 13.08 percent and International fell 14.78 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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November 2017, domestic airplane departure fell 13.08 percent and International fell 14.78 percent.

November 2017, domestic airplane departure fell 13.08 percent and International fell 14.78 percent.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 2, 2018
File Size : 0.34 MB


The number of international airplane departures from Ngurah Rai Airport in November 2017 reached 2,536 flight units. This number decreased 14.78 percent compared to the previous month which reached 2976 units. The number of international flight passengers in the same period decreased by 21.85 percent from 493,793 in October 2017 to 385,922 in November 2017. In line with airplane passengers, the number of luggage and international air freight also decreased 16.67 percent, from 8.90 million tons to 7.42 million tons.

For domestic air transport, the number of aircraft departing from Ngurah Rai Airport in November 2017 was 3.129 units of flight, or down 13.08 percent compared to the previous month state which reached 3,600 flight units. The number of passengers decreased by 11.15 percent, reaching 367,732 people compared to the previous month which reached 413,857 people. The number of baggage and goods also decreased by 11.42 percent from 4.59 million tons in October 2017 to 4.07 million tons in November 2017.
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