Bali Province Population Census Rehearsal Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Bali Province Population Census Rehearsal Coordination Meeting

Bali Province Population Census Rehearsal Coordination Meeting

June 26, 2019 | BPS Activities

Located at Hatel Harris Cokroaminoto, Denpasar-Bali, Bali Province Population Census Rehearsal Preparation Coordination Meeting was held.

Jembrana Regency is one of the districts chosen as the regency rehearsal district for the 2020 Census.

Also attending the event were Dr. Margo Yuwono, S.Si, M.Si (Deputy for Social Statistics) and Mr. Gantjang Amannullah M.A (Director of People's Welfare Statistics)

In this activity an action plan and strategy were discussed in the face of the 2020 Population Census

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