Bali Governor Limited Meeting with BPS of the Province of Bali - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Bali Governor Limited Meeting with BPS of the Province of Bali

Bali Governor Limited Meeting with BPS of the Province of Bali

November 17, 2019 | Other Activities

The limited meeting held by the Governor of Bali Province was held at Jaya Sabha Governor's Office on Sunday 17 November 2019. Also present at the meeting were the Head of Bappeda, Head of the Development and Economic Administration Bureau, representatives from the Manpower Office, Social Service and

Present from the BPS of the Province of Bali, the Head of the BPS of the Province of Bali, the Head of the Division / Division of the BPS of the Province of Bali, the Head of the Consumption Balance Section, and the staff of the Production Statistics Division.

The meeting was held in the context of a request from the Governor of Bali regarding Macro Indicators which would later be used as a basis for determining the direction of development. On that occasion the Governor of Bali also mentioned the plan to calculate the Soul of the Province of Bali in 2019 and the FGD plan involving BPS in early 2020

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