Launching Results of the 2016 Economic Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Launching Results of the 2016 Economic Census

Launching Results of the 2016 Economic Census

May 24, 2017 | BPS Activities

Launching Results of Economic Census 2016 BPS Bali Province in the title on May 24, 2017. Launching entitled "Observing the Potential & Strategic Position of Bali Economy" took place smoothly. This event was also attended by Deputy of Production Statistics of BPS RI, Representative of Bali Governor, Regent / Mayor of Bali, Bank Indonesia Head of Bali Representative, Head of OJK, Chairman of Bali Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bali Province. Also attended by some very entertaining performers.

The results of registration of Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) recorded as many as 482,484 businesses / non-agricultural enterprises in Bali Province are grouped into 15 categories of field of business. This number shows an increase of 27.37 percent compared with the results of SE2006 amounting to 378,797 businesses / companies. Based on business scale, 468,658 businesses / companies (97.13 percent) are small and micro enterprises (UMK) and 13,826 enterprises / enterprises (2.87 percent), medium scale enterprises (UMB)

The results of the registration show that the number of businesses / companies by business field, dominated by trade and wholesale trade as much as 196,556 businesses / companies or by 40.74 percent

In line with the number of businesses, the number of manpower according to business field is also dominated by the field of large and retail trade as much as 392,869 workers or as much as 29.30 percent.

For more information please visit the 2016 Economic Census website at:


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