A series of activities launching of National Statistics Day 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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A series of activities launching of National Statistics Day 2015

A series of activities launching of National Statistics Day 2015

October 5, 2015 | Other Activities

The series of activities in menyosong National Statistics Day every September 26 carried out a variety of games and competitions are followed by employees of BPS, BPS Regency / City in Bali and their families. Head of the Bali Provincial BPS Panusunan Siregar said some things that berkaiatan with HSN. HSN activities, with the theme "Through the spirit of National Statistics Day, we Realize Smart Indonesia with Data Quality". And is a very good moment to socialize once ekonmi 2016 Census will be held around May to come.
            Today Chairman of the National Statistics Committee (HSN) BPS Bali I Gede Nyoman Subadri HSN reported that a series of activities starts on 4 September 2015 and ending 28 September 2015, the series includes: 4 games and 8 race
As for the Dharma Wanita Bali BPS will conduct activities on assessment serangkian cleanliness, beauty, comfort, tidiness work space in each section / field in the BPS Bali, as well as some other race.
All participants BPS Regency / City in Bali with very antusia follow the matches and competitions as well as to rejoice in order HSN also no door pricenya very interesting.
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