The State of Manpower of Bali Province August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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The State of Manpower of Bali Province August 2020

Release Date : November 5, 2020
File Size : 0.98 MB


The total workforce in August 2020 was recorded at 2.57 million people, an increase of 59.63 thousand people compared to August 2019. In line with the increase in the number of the workforce, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) was also recorded to have increased by 0.55 percentage points.

In August 2020, the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was recorded at 5.63 percent, an increase of 4.06 percentage points compared to the TPT in August 2019 which was recorded at 1.57 percent, marked by an increase in 105.21 thousand unemployed people. Judging from the level of education, TPT for Diploma I / II / III is still the highest among other education levels, amounting to 13.15 percent.

In the period August 2019-August 2020, employment experienced an increase in labor absorption, especially in Category A (Agriculture) by 3.76 percentage points; Category G, (Trading) 0.98 percentage points; Category C (Processing Industry) 0.81 percentage points; and Category P (Educational Services) by 0.22 percentage points; and Category J (Information and communication) with 0.07 percentage points. Meanwhile, jobs that experienced a decrease in absorption were mainly in Category I (accommodation and food and drink) -3.51 percentage points; Category H (Transportation) by -0.68 percentage points; and Category M, N (Corporate Services) by -0.60 percentage points.

There were 1.05 million formal workers (43.31 percent) while those who worked in informal activities were 1.37 million people (56.69 percent). Over the past year (August 2019 – August 2020), formal employment has decreased by -7.23 percentage points.

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