March 2017, Number of Poor People Reached 180,13 thousand people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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March 2017, Number of Poor People Reached 180,13 thousand people

March 2017, Number of Poor People Reached 180,13 thousand peopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 17, 2017
File Size : 0.64 MB


  • An increase in the percentage of poor people in Bali in March 2017 compared to September 2016. The poverty rate in March 2017 reached 4.25 percent, up 0.10 points compared to September 2016 which reached 4.15 percent.
  •     The number of poor people in March 2017 reached 180.13 thousand people, with the composition of 96.89 thousand people in urban areas and 83.23 thousand people in rural areas.
  •     The Bali poverty line in March 2017 increased by 4.33%, from Rp 346,398, in September 2016 to Rp 361,387, - in March 2017.
  •     The poverty line in both urban and rural areas is equally increasing. Urban areas experienced an increase in poverty line by 3.69 percent, while in rural areas increased by 5.28 percent.
  •     The role of food commodities is much greater than that of non-food commodities towards the establishment of a poverty line in Bali in March 2017. Food commodities contribute 69.15 percent, while non-food commodities are only 30.85 percent.
  •     The index of depth and severity of poverty in Bali in March 2017 slightly increased, respectively by 0.153 points for depth and 0.053 points for severity when compared to September 2016 conditions.
  •     Ten food commodities that have a great influence on the poverty line in urban and rural areas tend to be the same, including rice, filter clove cigarettes, chicken meat, chicken eggs, cayenne pepper, red onion, coffee powder and instant, wet cake, And bread for urban areas, instant noodles for rural areas. The five most non-food commodities that have the greatest impact on the poverty line in both urban and rural areas are the cost of housing, gasoline, ceremonies or other customs, electricity and education for urban areas.
  •     Inequality in household incomes increased in urban areas from 0.378 in September 2016 to 0.382 in March 2017, but in rural areas it decreased from 0.335 in September 2016 to 0.325 in March 2017.
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