Socialization of the Use of KUMKM Data Through Single KUMKM Data Information - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Socialization of the Use of KUMKM Data Through Single KUMKM Data Information

Socialization of the Use of KUMKM Data Through Single KUMKM Data Information

June 16, 2023 | BPS Activities

Located at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel (16/6), Bali Province BPS attended the "Socialization of the Utilization of MSME Data through the KUMKM Single Data Information System" which was organized by the Bali Province Cooperatives and UMKM Service together with the Ministry of Cooperatives and UMK (Kemenkopukm).

The event was opened by the Deputy for Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Cooperatives and Human Resources, Siti Azizah. Also present were representatives from BPS RI, Bappenas, and the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as representatives from the department that handles data on cooperatives and MSMEs for district/city governments throughout Bali.

In this event, the progress of the Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and MSMEs (PL-KUMKM) activities which were carried out in 2022, will be continued in 2023 and will end in 2024.

Mrs. Siti Azizah also expressed her appreciation to the ranks of the Cooperative and MSME Department throughout Bali as well as the PL-KUMKM Pojka Team for being able to complete PL-KUMKM activities in 2022. The cooperative and MSME data will later be integrated through a Single Data Information System (SIDT) so it is hoped that it can be utilized by K/L or local governments in developing cooperatives and MSMEs.
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