May 12, 2018 | Other Activities
Selection of new admissions STIS Statistics Management Polytechnic held again. The Entrance Screen Entrance Test (USM) Phase 1 is implemented starting on Saturday (12/5) simultaneously throughout Indonesia, including in Bali which is centered in BKN Regional X Kanwil of Bali Province. Registrants from various districts in droves crowded BKN office located on Jalan Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 646, Denpasar since this morning.
A total of 213 participants who are divided into 3 waves follow the exam in a solemn and disciplined. Some of them look tense and grogily waiting for the exam time in the waiting room, but some look relaxed and enjoy.
The implementation of USM STIS this time is different from previous years because the committee uses CAT (Computer Assisted Test) system. The use of this system is considered better because it is efficient and the results are also more quickly known, especially in the future we have to go to renewable technology.
Hopefully the results obtained in accordance with the expected. Good Luck for the participants.
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Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bali (Statistics of Bali Province)Jl. Raya Puputan (Renon) No 1
Denpasar 80226
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