Socialization Human Development Index (HDI) new methods and poverty Bali in March 2015 by Panusunan Siregar delivered on the Socialization Technical Discussion IPM Methods and poverty Bali by March 2015 in the meeting room Wiswa Sabha Primary, Office of the Governor of Bali Denpasar, September 25, 2015 attended by all SKPD in Bali Provincial Government. In the period of the last 2 years there was a tendency Bali poverty rates increased in September and declined in March. Is this related to the harvest season in March, needs further study. Thus, the government can make anticipatory measures. But if traced further, increasing the depth of poverty, there is the possibility, with regard to government policy to raise fuel prices in late July 2013 that the domino effect continued until September 2013, and then rise in the price of LPG in September 2014.
The same phenomenon as the Poverty Depth Index (P1) also looks at indicators Poverty Severity Index (P2) and agurmentasinya is the same, namely the impact of government policies that raise the price of fuel and LPG. Poverty Severity Index is used to measure poverty that takes into account inequality or inequality among the poor. "There are poor people who are between the rich" father selorohnya Panusunan Siregar.
Further also delivered educational developments such as the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), net enrollment ratio (NER), School Participation (APS), and the average Old School (RLS). Trends APK APK Bali in 2010-2014 are aged 7-12 years, 13-15 years and 16-18 years of age tend to experience peningkatanselama past five years, despite a slight decline to APK aged 7-12 years in 2011, but the decline was offset by an increase in the age group 13-15 years in the same year, this occurs due to a shift in the age of the learner.
While the development of APM shows the difference with the development of APK which tends to slightly fluctuate, the development of APM last five years is relatively increased, it is due to the tendency of school children who fit between age and education levels are relatively regular, so this indicator is very often used to describe the participation of schools to see the accuracy of school age. Where the development of the School Participation Rate (SPR) in line with the development of APK and APM according to the age group of education is increasing from year to athun, this is in line with the seriousness of the government's attention to education in Bali.
Besides, delivered also average Old School (RLS) as the number of years used by the population in undergoing formal education. Mencapuk population count that RLS is the population aged 25 years and above, assuming at the age of 25 years education process has ended. Because the calculation of RLS at the age of 25 years and above also follow the international standard used by the UNDP.
The core audience is counting variables HDI using a new method that is juxtaposed with the old method. Eg Education Indicators counting IPM old method using the average length of school (RLS), while IPM new method wears hope Old School (HLS), so likewise does the calculation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the old methods, there are 27 commodity used invitation calculate PPP, while the new method, elected 96 commodities in the calculation of PPPs, with a share of 27 commodities (the old method) continued to decline from 37.52 percent in 1996 to 24.66 percent in 2012.
At the end of the hearing the Governor mengucapan gratitude for the exposure presented by Mr. P Siregar, and invites all SKPD always coordinate with the CPM and find loopholes to address the problems faced.