National Statistics Day Ceremony 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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National Statistics Day Ceremony 2015

National Statistics Day Ceremony 2015

October 5, 2015 | Other Activities

In commemoration of National Statistics each of September 26 carried Ceremony by the Head of BPS Bali Panusunan Siregar by reading the speech of the Head of BPS in the yard office on Monday, September 28, 2015, followed by all Employees BPS, BPS Regency / City in Bali and Retirement. Followed by the release of balloons and the announcement of winners by the committee in a series of activities in 2015 HSN.
Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings
Good morning and best wishes for all of us
On the happy occasion and Inshallah this blessed, let us pray gratitude to Allah SWT, God Almighty, for abundant blessings and His grace so on a sunny morning we could carry out an apple in commemoration of National Statistics ( HSN) 2015 which falls on Saturday last week, precisely on September 26, 2015. On this auspicious occasion, I also want to say "Happy Eid Adha 1436 Hijri" for brothers and sisters who celebrate it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year, HSN theme "The Spirit of National Statistics Day, We Realize Smart Indonesia with Data Quality".
The theme is translated into a series of events that we have carried out during September, ranging from Workshop ISIC 2015, Socialization IPM New Method, the Interactive Dialogue with the Student Executive Board, National Seminar on HSN, until the First Indonesia Statistics Conference and Olympiad (ISCO) which is the result of collaboration with the ISI (Institute of statistical Indonesia) and FORSTAT (Higher Education Forum Statistics Indonesia). The climax is a hike on Saturday. The activities we have carried out not only in the form of seminars or workshops, but also packaged in the form of a national Olympics, such as the Statistician Game, Paper Olympic National Statistics, National Statistics and Competition.
I need to inform you also, that this year for the first time, BPS also gives Statistics Awards, in the form of:
- BPS Award for exemplary respondents (which falls to PT Astra Daihatsu Motor and Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta) and an exemplary statistical data users (MMAF).
- Andi Hakim Nasution Award for the sons of the nation who have contributed and devotion to the statistics (awarded to Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono).
- Ministry of Education and Culture Award for overall winner ISCO (Indonesian Statistics Conference and Olympiad) 2015 Student category (won by students SMU 1 Ngawi)
- Finally, ISI ISCO Award for student category winner (won by students of IPB)
All that was attended by representatives of the various stakeholders BPS (ranging from K / L, association, press, to college students and even high school students), conducted with the aim to raise public awareness of the important role statistics for construction and various other aspects of life, as well as the role of the BPS in providing quality data. Like last year, we have also sent a card announcement to the entire K / L and other stakeholders including the international institutions in Indonesia to inform about HSN and ask for support in the implementation of the statistics, and we will continue to support demand for the data we generate.
I also heard that, in commemoration of HSN, the ranks of the Regional BPS also held a variety of activities, including competitions and sports events, such as the game of badminton, volleyball, table tennis, and so on. I would like to thank you and appreciation of the highest on the initiative and the role of the BPS line across Indonesia in commemoration HSN brighten this year.
For BPS center, instead of activities focused on the efforts to introduce statistics and BPS to outsiders, so that various competitions ever held on the anniversary of HSN in previous years, this year can not be implemented. This is also due to the current flurry of BPS are very dense towards the implementation of the SE2016. Celebration activities that involve the whole range of BPS central to this year only race hygiene were assessed by the jury of the DWP BPS and motion path followed by all employees of BPS.
Hopefully the HSN commemoration next year, we can re-implement various competitions and games, so that we can get a little refresh himself after struggling with all the busyness SE2016 so that we're ready to face the upcoming CPM activities which I am sure will be very solid.
Brothers and sisters are happy,
The dynamics of the global economy over the last few years has slowed, also affect the development of the Indonesian economy. In this case, the BPS should be more responsive in capturing the various developments and phenomena of the economic sector and other sectors, in particular in order to raise the nation's economy. For policy makers, the statistics become compass in directing and determining policies to be taken. Only with quality data, the fact that there is in society can be portrayed as a whole and objectively. This is a challenge for us, the whole range of BPS, to be able to always answer the needs and demands of the users data.
To meet these demands, then we must continue to improve, learn and improve human resource capacity that we have, and improve every stage of the implementation of statistical activities of international standard. In this regard, I must inform you that Tim Statcap-Smart, as booster Reforms in BPS, has carried out several study visit to Statistics New Zealand, TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute), and which has just ended, that is to SETYM and Statistics Canada to learn about the various aspects of the collection of statistics in these countries.
As a form of trust and responsibility, I'm Tim Statcap can immediately apply and share knowledge and best practices that have been acquired, not only at the level of BPS but also can reach the ranks of regional BPS, for example by holding e-training program. Going forward, I hope that the study visit program may also involve friends in the area, because the program is not only belong Statcap BPS, but also regional BPS. Hopefully, the knowledge obtained Statcap Tim, can be done breakthroughs that are useful for that purpose RB BPS BPS can be achieved and can realize the BPS as a "world-class NSO (National Statistics Office)."
Some time ago, there may be bias in a newspaper about the procurement of goods and services in BPS, in addition to some other news that is also cornering BPS primarily associated with the data we generate. I hope, after hearing the news, brothers not broke and stay motivated in their work.
I believe the brothers had tried to do the job as well as possible. But, of course, as the head of BPS, I still have to remind and emphasize that we continue to continue to live and carry out the core values ​​BPS: Professional, Integrity, Amanah. Ranging from those in the technical part to the administration, ranging from Head of BPS to the CWC, even partners working to implement the BPS and BPS activities. ALL SHOULD PIA! Especially the values ​​of integrity and the trust we must always guard. Do not let us lose two of the most fundamental values. Mistakes relation to the technical work, we can still correct, we can still correction. However, once we make mistakes that undermine the integrity of the ranks of the BPS and tarnish the trust of the Indonesian nation, it will be very difficult to remove.
To prevent the emergence of any linked slanted news about BPS, I emphasized the importance of transparency and communication. No matter how good the quality of the BPS, but if it is read incorrectly it will generate understanding and also the wrong policy. Herein lies the importance of data communications, namely that everyone can understand the data we produce with ease. Similarly, the process of procurement of goods and services. As clean as any process, if there is a less effective communication between BPS auction committee with the participants of the auction, it will be able to trigger disappointment parties who feel aggrieved. Therefore, once again, increase and wake up an effective communication with all stakeholders BPS.
The brothers are happy,
Thus my speech on this occasion. Happy National Statistics 2015. May Allah, the Almighty, always ease and bless our efforts in building the nation with the data.

Wabillahitaufik walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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