WBK/WBBM ASSESMENT OF BPS BALI PROVINCE - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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August 19, 2015 | Other Activities

Assessment WBK / WBBM BPS Bali province do 5th until August 7, 2015 by Tim RB BPS. Exit Meeting event day activities conducted Friday, August 14, 2015 by the Chairman of TIM Assessor who also serves as Director of Dissemination of Statistics BPS. From the results of this internal assessment BPS Bali obtain very good value or category A, all the more so in the event BPS Bali Provincial Charter Receiving awards from the Bali provincial government through the Provincial Bappeda Bali for their support and contribution in the development of macro indicators providing data needed Provincial Government Bali in policy formulation and development planning to improve the welfare of the people of Bali are better and sovereign. 

With this achievement, the BPS Bali Province potential didominasikan to represent BPS in the assessment by the minister RB to come. Thus disclosed subset of the statistics Dissemination BPS Director Moh Ari Nugraha, M.Sc.Pada Reforms essentially an effort to reform and fundamental changes to the system of governance, especially concerning institutional aspects (organization), management (business-process) and human resources , 

Various problems / barriers that result in a system of governance is not running or is not expected to run properly must be reorganized or refurbished. Bureaucratic reforms implemented in order to realize good governance and clean (good and clean governance). 

The basic concept of the implementation of Reforms is to change the work culture of the workplace culture unregulated to regulated, of unmeasured be measurable and accountable of not being accountable, equipped with supporting documentary evidence of the complete planning activities, process activities, progress of activities, control , output and settlement activities. Thus efforts to realize BPS Bali became institutions WBK / WBBM very open. Moreover, the figure of the Head of BPS Bali as a role model in her left breast where the pins are always mounted on the Anti-Corruption Commission which inspires all human BPS in Bali to make the BPS Bali as institutions WBK / WBBM
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