Environment - Statistical Data - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Statistics by Subject

Provides statistical tables and publications grouped into various CSA (Classification of Statistical Activities) subjects v1.1. Apart from that, the tables provided also include tables in Indonesian Statistics publications.



Environment – includes topics like climate, climate change (including measurement of the socio-economic aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation), biodiversity, environment and health, natural resources, soil, water, air, landscape, waste, environmental expenditure, expenditure for the protection of the environment, environmental accounts, agri-environmental indicators, environmental pressure, environmental impact of industry, transport, energy etc., environmental monitoring, material flow analysis, environmental decoupling indicators, pollution, ecosystems, land use and cover, environmental protection, nationally protected areas.



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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bali (Statistics of Bali Province)Jl. Raya Puputan (Renon) No 1

Denpasar 80226

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