The Potential Village Potential Map 2014 Bali Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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The Potential Village Potential Map 2014 Bali Province

Catalog Number : 1304041.51
Publication Number : 51560.1504
ISSN/ISBN : 2356-4687
Publishing Frequency : Every 3 Years
Release Date : February 27, 2015
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 14.99 MB


Publication of Thematic Map of Potential Villages 2014 Bali Province outlines the data and information as follows: the presence of migrant workers agents, slums, environmental pollution (water, air and land), natural disasters (landslides, floods, tornadoes) health (puskesmas and hospital), the existence of families who have not used electricity, the existence of internet cafes, and the existence of internet facilities in the village office. This publication is expected to be a reference material for data and information related to infrastructure and potential of the region for planners and evaluators of development in central and regional, researchers, academics, and data users in general.
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