Air and Sea Transportation for Bali Province October 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Air and Sea Transportation for Bali Province October 2022

Release Date : December 1, 2022
File Size : 6.49 MB


The number of international flights departing from Bali in October 2022 was recorded at 1,740 flights, an increase of 8.61 percent compared to the previous month (1,602 flights). From the passenger side, there were 337,227 people who departed abroad from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport, an increase of 8.09 percent compared to the condition in the previous month.

The number of domestic flights was recorded at 2,902 flights, up 8.12 percent compared to the previous month (2,684 flights). The number of domestic passengers who departed was recorded as many as 342,069 people, an increase of 14.15 percent compared to the condition in the previous month.

Cumulatively from January to October 2022, the number of international departure flights is 8,272 flight units, while domestic flights are 25,108 flight units.

The number of ship departures from Bali Province in October 2022 was recorded at 6,730 ships, an increase of 7.65 percent compared to September 2022 when there were 6,252 ships.

The number of seagoing passengers departing from ports in Bali in October 2022 was recorded as many as 213,148 passengers, down 24.38 percent compared to the previous month which recorded as many as 281,867 passengers.

Meanwhile, the number of goods transported through ports in Bali in October 2022 was recorded at 48,263 tons, down 10.36 percent from conditions the previous month.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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