Development of Bali Province Air and Sea Transportation April 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Development of Bali Province Air and Sea Transportation April 2020

Release Date : June 2, 2020
File Size : 0.93 MB


International Air Transport

April 2020, the number of international flights departing from Bali was 118 flights, down as deep as -93.33 percent compared to March 2020 (m-t-m). The number of passengers was 6,939, which also fell as deep as -97.48 percent (m-t-m).

Out of the 10 main destinations for international flights in April 2020, Australian destination flights recorded the deepest decline of as deep as -96.21 percent compared to March 2020 (m-t-m).


Domestic Air Transport

The number of domestic flights departing from Bali in April 2020 was 830 flights, down as deep as -70.86 percent compared to March 2020 (m-t-m). The number of passengers was 44,201 people, which also dropped as deep as -82.57 percent.

Out of the 10 main destinations for domestic flights in April 2020, flight destinations for Jkt / Soekarno-Hatta recorded the deepest decline of as deep as -77.40 percent compared to March 2020 (m-t-m).


Sea Transportation

The number of ship departures from Bali Province in April 2020 was recorded at 715 units, down as deep as -76.75 percent compared to March 2020 (m-t-m) which recorded as many as 3,075 ships.

Badan Pusat Statistik

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