Release Date | : | November 5, 2019 |
File Size | : | 1.34 MB |
Bali's total economy in quarter III-2019 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices (ADHB) was recorded at Rp. 64.86 trillion and based on constant prices (ADHK) recorded at Rp. 41.56 trillion.
Bali's economy in the third quarter of 2019 (y-on-y) recorded growth of 5.34 percent or slowed when compared to the same period the previous year which recorded growth of 6.15 percent. In terms of business, the highest growth was achieved by Category G (Wholesale and Retail Trade; Car and Motorcycle Repair) which recorded a growth of 9.99 percent. Meanwhile, when viewed from the side of the main supporting expenditure of economic growth in Quarter III-2019 namely the Non-Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure Component (PKLNPRT) which recorded growth of 7.94 percent.
On a q-to-q basis or compared to the previous quarter, Bali's economy in the third quarter of 2019 recorded a growth of 3.12 percent. In terms of business, the highest growth was achieved by Category B (Mining and Quarrying) which recorded a growth of 9.85 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the highest growth was recorded in the subtracting component, namely Foreign and Inter-regional Imports, at 9.11 percent.
The economic structure of Bali in terms of business sectors in quarter III-2019 is still dominated by Category I (Provision of Accommodation and Food and Beverage) which recorded a contribution of 23.59 percent. While the largest contribution in quarter III-2019 in terms of expenditure component was recorded in the Export Component (55.21 percent) followed by Household Consumption Expenditures (47.57 percent). Meanwhile, the contribution of the Import Component as a deduction component was 43.78 percent.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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