Development of Bali's Air and Sea Transportation in July 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Development of Bali's Air and Sea Transportation in July 2019

Development of Bali's Air and Sea Transportation in July 2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 2, 2019
File Size : 0.84 MB


In July 2019, the number of international air transport planes departing from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport was recorded at 3,161 flight units. This number was recorded to increase compared to the condition of the previous month (m to m) which recorded 3014 units of flights, or increased as high as 4.88 percent. Conditions of departure for the number of passengers on international flights also rose as high as 8.95 percent (m to m), from 581,359 people in June 2019 to 633,368 people in July 2019. Likewise, the number of international air transport baggage and goods also increased. when compared to the previous month (m to m) as high as 12.17 percent, from 9.9 million tons to 11.1 million tons.

The departure of domestic air transport aircraft from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in July 2019 was recorded at 3,531 units of flights, or decreased as deep as -1.15 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 3,572 units of flights. Of the ten main destinations for domestic departures, the deepest percentage reduction was recorded on domestic air transportation flights to Jakarta / Halim Pk which reached -17.43 percent. Compared to July 2018 (yo y), the number of domestic airplane flight departures has decreased as deep as -11.64 percent.

The number of sea transportation departing from a number of ports in Bali Province in July 2019 was recorded at 8,153 ships. When compared to June 2019 (m to m), an increase in the number of departures was as high as 62.15 percent from the previous month which recorded 5028 units. The number of sea transport passengers departing through several ports in Bali Province in July 2019 was recorded at 392,343 people. This number shows an increase of as high as 20.06 percent when compared to the condition of the previous month (m to m) which was recorded as many as 326,777 people
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