February 2018, Eksports of Bali Province reached US$ 45.260.970. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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February 2018, Eksports of Bali Province reached US$ 45.260.970.

Release Date : April 2, 2018
File Size : 0.61 MB


  • Table 1 Bali Exports by Country of Destination February 2018
  • Table 2 Bali Province Exports by Main Commodity February 2018
  • Table 3 Distribution of Export Value of 10 Main Commodities by Country of Destination February 2018
  • Table 4 Exports from Bali Province by Province of Freight Forwarder
  • Table 5 Cumulative Exports from Bali Province by Destination Country
  • Table 6 Cumulative Exports from Bali Province by Sector
  • Table 7 Bali Province Imports by Country of Origin
  • Table 8 Bali Province Imports by Main Commodity
  • Table 9 Bali Province Cumulative Imports by Country of Origin
  • Table 10 Countries with Most Decline in Exports
  • Table 11 Commodities with Most Decline in Exports
  • Table 12 Countries with Most Increase in Imports
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bali (Statistics of Bali Province)Jl. Raya Puputan (Renon) No 1

Denpasar 80226

Telepon: (0361) 238159


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Email : pst5100@bps.go.id





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