Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Bali Province 2016 is 78.95 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Bali Province 2016 is 78.95

Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Bali Province 2016 is 78.95Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 2, 2017
File Size : 0.56 MB


IDI is a composite indicator that shows the level of democratic development. The level of performance is measured by the implementation and development of three aspects of democracy, namely Civil Liberty, Political Rights and Institution of Democracy.
IDI counting methodology uses four sources of data: (1) local newspaper reviews, (2) document review (Perda, Pergub, etc.), (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and (4) in-depth interviews.
Indonesia Democracy Index (IDI) of Bali Province 2016 reached number 78.95 on a scale of 0 to 100. This number decreased compared to the number of 2015 which amounted to 79.83. The achievements of Bali's democratic performance are still in the "moderate" category. The classification of the democratic level is grouped into three categories, namely "good" (index> 80), "medium" (index 60-80), and "bad" (index <60).
The change in the number of Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Bali Province 2015-2016 is influenced by three aspects of democracy, namely (1) Civil Liberties which dropped 3.85 points (from 80.30 to 76.45), (2) down 0.52 points (from 70.63 to 70.11), and (3) Democratic Institutions which fell by 4.83 points (from 66.88 to 62.05).
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