The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) to Bali in August 2016 reached 438 135 visits - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) to Bali in August 2016 reached 438 135 visits

The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) to Bali in August 2016 reached 438 135 visitsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 3, 2016
File Size : 0.16 MB


  • The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) to Bali in August 2016 reached 438 135 visits, with foreign tourists coming through the airport as much as 437 929 visits, and through the seaports of 206 visits.
  • Number of foreign tourists to Bali in August 2016 increased by 44.30 percent compared to the month of August 2015 but decreased by 9.52 percent compared to the month of July 2016.
  • By nationality, most foreign tourists came to Bali in August 2016 is the nationality of tourists to China, Australia, Japan, France and the UK with the percentage of each amounting to 21.69 percent, 21.16 percent, 6.17 percent, 5, 60 percent, and 5.08 percent.
  • In the period January-August 2016, the cumulative foreign tourists coming to Bali as many as 3,193,974 visits. For the period of origin of foreign tourists coming to Bali most nationals of Australia, China, Japan, the UK, and India with the percentage of each amounting to 23.23 percent, 20.71 percent, 4.84 percent, 4.48 percent, and 3 , 69 percent.
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