Number of aircraft departures Ngurah Rai international airport in April 2016 reached 2,305 units - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Number of aircraft departures Ngurah Rai international airport in April 2016 reached 2,305 units

Number of aircraft departures Ngurah Rai international airport in April 2016 reached 2,305 unitsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 1, 2016
File Size : 0.17 MB


  • Number of aircraft departures Ngurah Rai international airport in April 2016 reached 2,305 units low. This amount is recorded an increase of 0.17 percent over the previous month to reach 2,301 units. This is in line with the number of international flight passengers in the same period, with an increase of 10.64 percent, from 347 728
  • people in the month of March 2016 be 384 729 people in April 2016. Similarly, the number of luggage and international air transport which increased 9.97 percent, from 5878 into 6464 Ton Ton.
  • For domestic air transport, the number of aircraft departing from Ngurah Rai airport in April 2016 as many as 3,258 units of low, down 1.36 percent compared to the state of the previous month to reach 3,303 units low. This condition is no different with passenger numbers 349 122 people, or down 10.09 percent compared to the previous month to reach 388 281 people. However, the number of luggage and goods increased by 2.91 percent, ie from 3,814 tons in the month of March 2016 be 3,925 tons in April, 2016.
  • For sea transport, the number of passengers departing through several ports in the province of Bali in April 2016 as many as 284 053 people. This figure is up 71.43 percent compared to previous month to reach a state of 165 692 people. As for freight transport in the period and the same mode of transportation, reaching 90 364 tons, or a decrease of 19.93 percent compared to the previous month which has up to 112 852 tons.
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