BALI TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF DECEMBER 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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BALI TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF DECEMBER 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2016
File Size : 0.16 MB


  • The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) in Bali in December 2015 to reach 370 640 people, with foreign tourists who come through the airport as many as 363 780 people, and through sea ports amounted to 6,860 people.
  • The number of foreign tourists to Bali in December 2015 increased by 6.70 percent compared to December 2014 and increased by 36.80 percent compared to the month of November 2015.
  • By nationality, most foreign tourists came to Bali in December 2015 is the nationality of tourists to Australia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan with respective percentages of 24.31 percent, 12.54 percent, 5.96 percent, 5 , 60 percent, and 5.49 percent.
  • In the period from January to December 2015, the cumulative foreign tourists coming to Bali as many as 4,001,835 people. For the period of origin of foreign tourists coming to Bali's most nationals of Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, and the UK with a percentage respectively by 24.16 percent, 17.2 percent, 5.70 percent, 4.76 percent, and 4 , 19 percent.
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