Economic Bali 3rd Quarter 2014 growth 2.78 percent (q-to-q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Economic Bali 3rd Quarter 2014 growth 2.78 percent (q-to-q)

Economic Bali 3rd Quarter 2014 growth 2.78 percent (q-to-q)
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Release Date : November 5, 2014
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Bali economic growth as measured by Gross Domestic Regional Product increase (GDRP) in Quarter III - 2014 reached 2.78 percent compared to Quarter II - 2014 which reached 2.81 percent (quarter to quarter / q-to-q). Growth in Third Quarter - 2014 is entirely driven by all sectors of the economy, with the highest growth occurred in services sector by 8.05 percent.
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