FGD-Perkembangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Bali - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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FGD-Perkembangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Bali

FGD-Perkembangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Bali

June 27, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, June 27 2023, at the Swiss-Belresort Watu Jimbar, the Bali Province Central Statistics Agency held a Focus Group Discussion entitled "Development of Foreign Tourists to Bali". The FGD was opened directly by the Head of BPS Bali Province, Mrs. Endang Retno Sri Subiyandani and attended by around 50 guests.

The FGD event was moderated by the Director of the elBajo Commodus Polytechnic, namely Prof. Dr. I Nengah Dasi Astawa, M.Sc. with resource persons namely Mrs. Dini Arifatin (BPS RI Intermediate Expert Statistician), Mr. Sugito, S.T., CCNA. (Head of the TPI Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office) and Mr. Handy Heryudhitiawan (General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport).
Apart from the FGD event, there was also an award giving event from BPS RI to 5 agencies which were received directly by agency leaders or representatives, for their active participation in the implementation of the 2022 Passenger Exit Survey. The five agencies are the Ngurah Rai Special TPI Class I Immigration Office, the Immigration Office Class I TPI Denpasar, PT Angkasa Pura I I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Sub Regional Bali Nusra, and Harbor Master's Office and Port Authority Class II Benoa.
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