Technical Guidance on Budget Management for Bali Provincial BPS and Province of Bali Regency / City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Technical Guidance on Budget Management for Bali Provincial BPS and Province of Bali Regency / City

Technical Guidance on Budget Management for Bali Provincial BPS and Province of Bali Regency / City

November 13, 2019 | Other Activities

Technical Guidance on Budget Management for Bali Provincial BPS and Province of Bali Regency / City BPS in 2019.

Located at Rumah Luwih Beach Resort on 13-15 November 2019. This activity is intended to increase understanding related to budget management of the Provincial BPS Work Unit.

Present at this activity were the Head of the BPS of the Province of Bali, the Head of the Division / Division, Head of Subdivision of the Bali Provincial BPS, the Treasurer of the Province of Bali, the Verifier, and participants from the District / City consisting of the Head of the Regency / City BPS, the Head of Finance, the Treasurer of Expenditure, and Commitment Officer

The holding of this activity is expected to increase understanding of the procedures for calculating, deducting, paying, and reporting VAT, PPh 21, PPh 22, PPh 23 and Final PPh, increasing understanding of the proper use of accounts, and obtaining more comprehensive information in terms of procedures how to input performance data on the Ministry of Finance's Monev Smart application.

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