Focus Group Discussion on Making IRIO Tables - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Focus Group Discussion on Making IRIO Tables

Focus Group Discussion on Making IRIO Tables

June 25, 2019 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
The Bali Province Central Bureau of Statistics held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at IRIO Preparation at the Prime Plaza Hotel, Denpasar-Bali

Present as speakers were Ir. Adi Nugroho MM (Head of BPS of Bali Province), Mr. Agus Gede Hendrayana Hermawan, SE, M.Sc (Head of Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis), AA Gde Agung Agra Putra (Chair of Aprindo), and Mr. I Gusti Agung Rai Suryawijaya (Chair PHRI Badung) with moderator Mr. I Gede Nyoman Subadri, SE (Head of Distribution Statistics) attended by OPD and business actors.

Inter Regional Input-Output (IRIO) table is a table that describes the flow of goods and services transactions between economic sectors and between regions.

The RIO provides a detailed description of the relationship between regions in supporting national development, especially in formulating plans and evaluating policies in an integrated spatial based manner.

The preparation of IRIO which was preceded by the preparation of the national SUT and 34 Provinces became a means of improving the quality of BPS data. By compiling SUT at the national and regional levels, there will be no statistical discrepancy between GDP and GRDP.

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