Data Quality escort Susenas March 2017, Bali Province Bps - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Data Quality escort Susenas March 2017, Bali Province Bps

Data Quality escort Susenas March 2017, Bali Province Bps

March 2, 2017 | BPS Activities

National Social Economic Survey (SUSENAS) is a regular survey conducted by BPS. In the 2017's, SUSENAS held 2 times that in March the 1st half and the 2nd half in September. Some of the variables that will be captured in this Susenas survey covers aspects of social and economic life of the population, including household expenses, education, employment, family planning, housing and social protection.
Towards the implementation of the National Socioeconomic Survey Event held on the 1 s / d March 20, 2017, Quality Monitoring Team BPS Bali briefing escort data quality. At this meeting the Head of BPS Bali, Ir. Adi Nugroho, MM. provide direction for the activities Susenas this semester going well and hopes all players in charge of statistics can improve understanding of the data and statistics.
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