training of Sakernas Tutor 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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training of Sakernas Tutor 2017

training of Sakernas Tutor  2017

January 16, 2017 | BPS Activities

Head of BPS Bali, Adi Nugroho give advice when Sakernas 2017 Regional Training instructor in the meeting room BPS Bali province on January Senin16 2017Didampingi Regional Head of Balance Sheet and analysis, Didik Nursetyohadi and Innas province of Bali, Ketut Monday The And. Head of the Bali Provincial, gave some good tips in the interview with the respondent, among others: a). Conduct interviews with a way to chat, do not interrogate; b). Interviews were conducted not too technical; c). Not to cause offense; d). Delay calculation wasted time respondents; e). Questions to which the answer can be seen, no question; f). Cut the long-winded; g). Enumeration is done in teams, asking not to mob;
In 2017 there is a change in the methodology Sakernas where census block (BS) and a panel of selected household or recorded continuously for implementation Sakernas Sakernas 2017 until 2018. Questions on kuesionerpun undergo changes that aim to get a good employment indicator based International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) 13th and 19th ICLS.
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