Internalization of Anti-Corruption and Gratuities: Towards Civil Net Apparatus - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Internalization of Anti-Corruption and Gratuities: Towards Civil Net Apparatus

Internalization of Anti-Corruption and Gratuities: Towards Civil Net Apparatus

December 16, 2016 | Other Activities

BPS Bali to creations in the prevention of corruption and graft keynote speakers from the Commission Mr. Ryan Top Harviansyah funsional officials KPK deputies prevention. In a briefing Head of Statistics of Bali Province, Adi Nugroho who was accompanied by the Head of Administration, Yudi Agusta deliver strategic efforts of BPS to harmonize the control of anti-corruption and graft in all lines. Understanding occurs with all employees of BPS in Bali and in harmony with the government in corruption prevention program held in the meeting room floor III BPS Bali Province, Thursday (15/12).
Anti-corruption is about integrity. Integrity concerns about honest, conscience, resistant to temptations and consistent in decision-making and dare to bear the risk. Based on data from 2010-2014, the highest ranking civil servants corruption is Echelon I, II and III. Tendency carried out by the Executive in collaboration with the private sector and the Legislature, the cooperation became Collusion.
Organizational Integrity System is the organization's control is done by the Inspectorate as operational control. Control of Corruption is beyond the control of establishments conducted by BPK and BPKP to ensure corruption does not happen in government organizations,strategic control yet. Zone Integrity, WBK, and WBBM will not be realized if the Super Keeper, Resource and Investment, Key Position Backups, socio-cultural and economic environment is not konduksif. The trend or development of the average age of the perpetrators of corruption from year to year is young, the youngest was 29 years old, and is done in the form of cooperation in relation to the family called nepotism.
The executive and legislative institutions has great potential occurrence of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, extortion smallest part of corruption, so that the problem of corruption should be preferred to dibrantas than extortion. 7 Types of Corruption which, if carried out would be subject to corruption; First, when did the loss of the State; Second, Bribery; To three, Extortion; Fourth, Darkening Position; Fifth, skullduggery; PBJ six to conflicts of interest; To seven gratification ;. Mr. Ryan also stressed "Corruption with a good system will disappear by itself, but with the collusion, as well as any system would be barren, useless" he said.
Despite Countries Singapore managed to prevent corruption by implementing systems, in Japan and South Korea successfully by implementing a program of Conduct, preferably in Indonesia to implement the alignment of Values ​​- System - Leadership namely; Values ​​of 25%, 35% System and Leadership 40%.
Furthermore, he said Gratuity is at the root of corruption and provision in a broad sense, the terms relating to the provision of office and conflict with the obligations or duties. Gratuities it bribery or not, when awarding the prize as a tribute and business activities be reported to the respective agencies.
While gratuities are not required to be reported, among others; direct gift; academic achievements outside academia; placement of data; compensation for official outside the profession; family relationship; and the family by marriage.
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