Benefits in Facing Assessment for Job Promotion - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Benefits in Facing Assessment for Job Promotion

Benefits in Facing Assessment for Job Promotion

October 12, 2015 | Other Activities

Manusisa resources is a major asset and has a very important role for the survival of an organization. Therefore, in addition to the enhancement of integrity, it is also necessary efforts to improve and develop both the potential and the competence of any personnel in meeting the challenges in the future. On 5 s / d October 10, 2015, BPS Bali implement employee competency assessement Inna Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur, followed by all employees of BPS Bali province and regency / municipality BPS in Bali, on schedule specified BPS RI.
 Several advantages can be gained by the organization through assessement Test: 1) Get the official candidate in accordance with the required competencies; 2) to develop the potential of its personnel continuously so we get a better performance; 3) Can be used to diagnose the training and development needs for the organization. While the benefit for the employee, among others; 1) It can work in positions or places in accordance with their competence; 2) It can optimize the potential of self; 3) Can know her development needs based on feedback received.
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