Kereneng Market Operation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bali Province

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Kereneng Market Operation

Kereneng Market Operation

March 12, 2015 | Other Activities

In order to curb the increase in rice prices in the city of Denpasar, the Chairman of the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) of Bali who is also deputy governor of Bali, I Ketut Sudikerta cooperate with Bulog Kreneng Market Operation Market on Friday, February 27th, 2015.
In this activity TPID Chairman accompanied by the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province, Indonesia Bank Country Region III Bali Nusa Tenggara, Head Disperindag Bali Province, and members of other TPID.
BPS head of Bali Province, Panusunan Siregar explained that the average increase in the price of rice in Denpasar Rp 1,000 per kg, or about 2-3 per cent, while in Singaraja ranges between 5-7 percent. The rice price increase occurred due to the reduced supply of Java and the influence of the rainy season.

Sudikerta said that the rising price of rice is very burdensome economically disadvantaged communities. With the activities of Market Operations is expected to ease the burden on the community and reduce the increase in the price of rice in Denpasar.
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